dinsdag 4 maart 2025

Wereld Feesten Almanak

Dag van de Helden
Land / gebied: Jamaica
National Heroes' Day. Nationale feestdag, iedere derde maandag van oktober.
Jamaican National Heroes Song: Forward, Forever United Which We Seek You Seek
Chorus: Forward, forever united
Students workers and farmers
1. Granny Nanny of Nanny Town
symbol of unity and strength
lighted the flame of freedom
in the hearts of earlier Jamaicans
2. Sam Sharpe, non-violent leader
instigated the slaves of Jamaica
to fight for freedom and liberty
and throw off the shackles of slavery
3. George William Gordon, far seeing statesman
struggled for human rights and dignity
he was unjustly executed
for raising his voice against oppression
4. Paul Bogle of Stony Gut
fought against oppression and deception
leader, preacher and martyr
he died in the cause of justice
5. Marcus Mosiah Garvey
fighter of Black Man's dignity
throughout every nation
he gave all black man a dream
6. Patriot Norman Manley
made politics an instrument of progress
father of the nation
man of integrity and justice
7. Alexander Bustamante
a ledgendary figure in his lifetime
indomitable labour leader
first Prime Minister of Jamaica
Final chorus
Forward forever united
Jamaica united forever

Een feestdag in Jamaica.

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